Keentroversy of the month - Is a hotdog a sandwich ?.

A debate that has been raging for at least a few years and possibly since the fourth Earl of Sandwich, otherwise known as John Montagu, pretended to be the first person to slap something between two slices of bread. The Keen team is a house divided and we need you to help us settle the score.

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"A sandwich is commonly depicted as two slices of bread with a filling between. But given the popularity of the Double Down, a sandwich defined by two pieces of fried chicken with a cheese filling, or gluten-free 'un-wiches' with lettuce in place of bread, it's clear that conservative ideals of what is and what is not a sandwich are outdated. We can define a sandwich as simply a filling surrounded by an edible grip. By this logic, Poptarts, ravioli, quesadillas are all sandwiches." - Joe Massengill, Digital Marketing

"I’ve developed a proprietary framework for determining what is a sandwich, and a hot dog is definitely not a sandwich" - Jorge Cano, Solutions Architect